15.05.2004 |
The idea came to me, as I remembered mutator by Usaar33 for first UT, that could log players talks. |
v0.5 |
- (add) kills logging
- (add) creating heading with arena name, admin name and admin e-mail (last two do not work properly)
- (add) pickups logging
- (add) pickups and kills are written in different style
v0.5 log example
v1.0 |
- (fix) empty strings appearing
- (fix) repeating pickup strings
- (fix) after making a headshot, all other kills counted as headshot (even with shield gun!)
- (fix) suicide results in Player killed Player strings, so
- (add) suicide "support", with natural deaths specific strings
- (add) colored player names in team games
- (add) Players health and armor are shown in pickup messages
v1 log example
Here I've realized that I choose the wrong method of developing and started writing mutator again from the scratch.
v1.1 |
- (chg) kill logging
- (chg) pickups logging
- (chg) pickups and kills are written in different style
- (add) end game score table
- (add) end game team score table
- (add) basic games rules are written in the beggining
- (add) list of mutators used with descriptions is written in the beginning
- (fix) empty strings again
- (add) "while typing" event support for killing a typing victim
- (fix) bots were always "while typing"
v1.1 log example
v1.2 |
- (add) from now on team scoring events are logged
- (add) from now on players scoring events are looged
- (add) colored names and only in team games
- (fix) picked item not being named
- (fix) mutators list now displayed properly
- (fix) bots were always "while typing"
- (fix) and again empty strings. now - completely...
- (fix) not all players being shown in end game team score table
- (add) teams' scores and names are shown in the end game score table. both teams are called "team" =)
v1.2 log example
v1.3 |
- (add) ONS/AS kills support (vehicle caused deaths/suicides)
- (add) game events are being logged (flag/bomb drops etc.)
- (chg) "double damage" string has purple color in pickup messages
- (add) colored names and only in team games
- (fix) "scored 0 points" are filtered off
- (fix) team are now called "blue team" and "red team" =)
v1.3 log example
v1.4 |
- (fix) suicides in vehicles are being displayed incorrectly
- (add) AS game events support added (flag/bomb drops etc.)
v1.4 log example
v1.5 |
v1.6 |
- (fix) admin's name and e-mail layout
- (add) mutator config menu
- (add) ability to define team names through mutator
- (fix) default mutator info now being shown correctly
v1.6 log example
v1.7 |
- (add) team1 vs team2 heading for team games
- (fix) name change event not being logged correctly
- (add) special status tag ([BOT]/[ADMIN])
- (add) message of the day is logged among settings
- (add) duel switch, that allows to use "vs" heading in 1-on-1 games
- (fix) "team scores 1 point by killing a teammate": "loses" instead of "scores"
v1.7 log example
v1.8 |
- (add) say/teamsay logging
- (fix) instagib shock rifle kills were logged as ion cannon kills
- (add) from now on multikills are logged
- (add) from now on sprees are logged
- (add) adrenaline combos usage is logged
- (fix) victim/pickup location often being not logged
- (fix) suicide/teamkill had one common message
v1.8 log example
v1.9 |
- (fix) multikill names shift (multi instead of double, mega instead of multi and so on)
- (fix) instagib shock rifle kills were logged as ion cannon kills
- (fix) "keeps H O L Y S H I T!" string not being displayed (may be I should change it to "keeps H O L Y S H I T T I N G!"?)
- (fix) server name is displayed at last
v1.9 log example
v2.0 |
- (fix) server name is displayed at last
- (add) game specific rules are shown
- (fix) the last (honestly) fix of empty strings
v2.0 log example
Next version had so much significant improvements and changes, that it recieved 3.0
v3.0 |
- (add) images are now can be enabled/disabled in logs
- (fix) superior bug that was preventing stats from recording on dedicated servers
- (fix) webadmin and spectators are not shown on the score table
- (add) server type is logged now
- (add) bot mode (f.e. use roster/min players etc.) is logged now
- (add) background color can be changed via mutator settings
- (rem) "double damage" string no longer has purple color in pickup messages (to hard to see on some backgrounds)
- (fix) in team names in the end game score table is now always written in black (was team-based)
v3.1 |
- (add) added 5 more background colors, mostly dark ones
- (chg) main log table was too wide (100%). now changed to 98%
- (fix) "map defaults" bot mode wasn't recognised correctly, because of error in comments in original source code
- (add) separate switch for enabling/disabling weapons picking up being logged
- (add) separate switch for enabling/disabling items picking up being logged
- (fix) changed format of some logged numberic settings to more accustomed
- (fix) line breaks in mutators' descriptions (f.e. TGA Onslaught v2) now shown properly
- (add) spectator status is shown now
v3.8 RC1 |
Very much has changed since 3.1 and I wasn't logging what's changed so I've added only what I remeber
- (add) random background color option
- (add) heavy damage (75+) logging
- (fix) fixed heavy damage (75+) logging showing health was instead of health remaining for headshots
- (add) support for Jailbreak
- (add) clicking on server name now opens it in UT if the address is provided
- (fix) jailbreak support - removed Jailbreak Addon adding the JB module - thanks to Mychaeel.
- (chg) moved all the localized from int to default properties, so the int is not necessary now
- (fix) major codesweeping for all classes =)
- (add) player match stats (from F3 screen) is being logged after the game end
- (fix) the abovementioned stats was showing the amount of headshots instead of # of combos
- (add) added support for ECE bonuspack vehicles
- (add) addedsome more style
- (fix) timestaps were showing the time as if the match was going at gamespeed of 110%
- (chg) mutator name changed to what it should be - Game Logger. (that means changeing every mention in the code/readme etc)
v3.8 log example